It's Christmas Day.
Of course they were adorable. They did all the silly and adorable poses. But I have hated seeing myself in each and every one. Not my hair, not my face, but the....let's call it "fluffiness". And truth be told, there is probably too much of it.
Let me preface this by saying I know it's what inside that counts. And on the inside, I am creative, confident, witty, intelligent, and an all around badass wrapped in childlike-wonder and optimism. But it's not healthy for all this awesome to be in such a "fluffy" package. I gorge myself on Dr. Pepper like it's going out of style and pop M&Ms like they're the secret to life. I spend hours on a laptop doing nothing of real value. So in the spirit of the coming turn of the year, I'm going to make some changes in my life, inside and out. Rather than wait for the actual new year and risk backing out, I'm doing it now. And I'm writing this and showing it to people so I have a reason to keep at it. Read it, comment, or find another corner of the internet to hang your hat, this thing will still be here.
I have a variety of resolutions and many of them will probably need explaining. But they are as follows...
- Give up soda entirely - whenever I try to "just pull back" I end up losing track of my count or going right back to the daily amount I started with. When I get used to going completely without, I may introduce a small amount back in.
- Get more active - right now my "active" will be the Dancing With the Stars workout DVD unless I finally save up for the correct gaming system to get a dancing game and/or it gets warmer and my clumsy ass wont face plant on the ice. Any tips on simple ways to get active (that don't require gym membership) would be loved.
- Find and complete a reading challenge - I always call myself a bookworm but I will go days without touching my Nook, the ebook apps on my phone, or the physical tomes on my bookshelf. I need to step that up. Again, feel free to mention any challenges you've heard of.
- Finish editing and send a manuscript to a publisher - I have two stories in various stages of editing and an all-consuming fear of rejection. But if "Margaret Adelle, Internationally Best Selling Author" is ever going to be something I can put on my resume, I have to start somewhere.
- Learn how to drive - at 22, I am a bit behind in operating a moving vehicle. And if I had my way, I'd never learn. But relying on others for rides is draining and much more complicated than being able to do it myself. So lookout roadsters, Maggie's on her way!
Until next fall my only duties will be working at Target and playing for the local community college's musical. But at the beginning of the next school year I will be walking into my Masters program. And it would be fantastic if I can become a better, healthier version of myself by that time.
Future posts of this may be longer, depending on what I have to write. Most likely it will not be every day (unless I manage to do something towards one of my resolutions every day...which would be awesome, but I'm not counting my eggs before they hatch) but I will try to keep at it. For anyone that chooses to come on the ride with me, welcome aboard the weird train of thought that is my writing style. I hope you brought the proper supplies.
First, I think you are beautiful! Yes I'm biased because I've known you since you were a baby. But it's true. You are beautiful! second. You have many people in your corner that believe in you and will support you on your journey. Third. You are too dang stubborn to not complete your goals. You so got this Megamuffin!!
ReplyDeleteAs always - I love you dearly - and I support you completely. I get what you mean about the soda diet. Last semester I tried quiting almost all caffeine drinks and got down to one cup of coffee a day but as soon as I jumped back on, man did I jump on! So be careful when deciding to reintroduce soda to your diet later but as I just added that is a thought for later. Keep us updated on your progress and if you need any workouts but don't have a lot of room my friend Spencer has been helping me find some (since places I inhabit tend to be...cluttered...) and I would be more than happy to ask him for any kinds you would like. He knows about what works specific places, so just let me know if you would like some more ideas on that front.