Thursday, January 7, 2016

Margaret's Laws

I have discovered the trick... being productive all day. And the trick is to be productive the minute you get up. Now I know that sounds stupidly simple, or even redundant, but hear me out. As opposed to a lazy morning, wherein I tell myself I'll do the things I need to do after lunch, I start right away in the morning. So rather than having spent the morning doing nothing, by lunch I've already done my workout, gotten a shower, and put away the laundry. Then at lunch comes a break and by the time an hour's gone by I'm already antsy to get up and do more stuff, hence why my room was clean, vacuumed, with windows washed (on the inside, I'm not in the mood to hang outside the house) by 2 pm. 

Whilst dwelling on the doings of the day, I have come up with a theory that I call "Margaret's Laws of Productivity".

Law 1:  The greatest obstacle to being productive is beginning. 

Law 2: Once productive habits begin, they are easier to continue 

Law 3: Leisurely activities become sweeter when performed after productive activities

I'm not quite sure why the third law is. Perhaps it's the comparison of busy and working versus not that makes doing nothing of importance feel that much nicer. Or it's the feeling of justification, like you feel you've earned the right to browse the web for an hour because you spent the last two cleaning your house. Either way, my laptop never looks nicer than it does after an 8 hour shift. 

So my advice, to anyone that cares to read it, would be to never let yourself pause for too long. Monday's only difficult because Sunday was so easy. And getting up early only becomes harder when you've been sleeping in late. A day or two of rest is nice, but there's a reason muscles atrophy when they're not in use. If you've started it, keep at it. Keeping it up now will be easier than starting it again later.

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