Monday, January 18, 2016

[Insert Limbo Joke Here]

I AM... active person. Not in exercise, obviously, but I like going out and doing things. I'm that weird kid that looks forward to the beginning of the school year because I've been bored since July. So with the still pared back hours at work (and an exorbitant amount of no-call, no-shows, for some reason) and no classes, I am bored out of my mind. The laptop that I used to dream about getting back to when I was at work or class is holding less and less fun for me now. I have gone entire days without leaving the house once (I would try to go swinging more often, but the painfully cold weather is a bit of a drawback). There's no easy way to make plans with friends, because they're all off with busy schedules of school and work. 

I have been keeping up with everything (with one or two days missed in the workout when there was an earlier work shift) but there's not quite the same sense of accomplishment as when I first started. It's become part of the routine to do various things. I sent the revised story to half a dozen people and have not received one comment or bit of feedback. The roads are still ice covered, which makes learning to drive not really an option at this point. It's still too early in the workout, no-soda healthier lifestyle for any noticeable changes. 

Before anyone hops on to comment "keep going!" I'm not on the verge of stopping or slowing down. If I thought these things could be accomplished in a month, I wouldn't have made them as resolutions for the entire year. I'm just annoyed to be in earthly limbo, sort of just existing while I wait for things to happen. I'm not a "Netflix and chill" person. I'm not a "let's hang out" kind of person. I am a "let's take 3 right turns, 2 left turns, then 3 more right turns and see where we end up for the fun of it" person. I want a reason to get out of bed earlier. I want to see more than the inside of my house and place of employment. I want memories to write in my journal and stories to tell my grandchildren. And "I once spent a month binge watching Netflix" does not a good grandmotherly story make.

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